
Related Employer Applications

In Ontario, a related Employer application is brought before the Labour Relations Board where a unionized employer opens a second company in an attempt to avoid its obligations under the collective agreement, thereby binding the second company with its predecessor’s workplace responsibilities. 

In Ontario, the Board has the power to declare that the two companies are one under the Labour Relations Act. The ultimate idea is to ensure that the company cannot “de-unionize” its workforce through a game of corporate manoeuvring.

It may be difficult to determine when a company may qualify as related employers, and thus difficult to know whether to bring an application. 

At Zeilikman Law, our lawyers provide the legal guidance and advice needed to help our clients make informed and lawful decisions before relocating or ending company business and when facing or initiating related employer applications before the Board. Thus, when initiating an application, or defending against one, it is important to be able to demonstrate that the appropriate criteria have or have not been met. 

At Zeilikman Law, our experienced labour lawyers can provide the advice needed to initiate or defend against a related employer application, while considering all the relevant facts and tests.

How can Zeilikman Law help?

Whether you are a union bringing a related employer application, or an employer trying to fight an application that has been brought, our experienced labour lawyers can assist throughout the process at each step of the way.

Call us at 905-417-2227 to get started!